Freitag, 16. September 2011

Where ist the port?

Puerto Varas.
A nice little town with german history.
I am staying in a singe at Margouya 2 which is quite ok.

I went to the lake side and then sat down for a meal in a restaurant.
Afterv that I walked to the bus terminal (a different one from the one I was dropped off) to get the ticket to Bariloche for Sunday.
When went for some shopping I realized that my passport was not where it should be. So I went back to the hostel to check my luggage. Not there. Then I wnt to the bus stop where I was dropped (I remembered I had the pocket open while I was trying to sleep.
They told me to go to Puerto Montt, the next city, where the same bus would go back to Santiago at 29.15h, so I did, and stayed an hour and a 1/2 in Puerto Montt. Pasport: Not there! So, hop on the bus back to PV.
The other bus terminal, not there ... the restaurant: not there.
I sent an email to the hostel in Santiago (i definetly had there) ... not here now.
" places for tomorrow: the 2 tourist centers. Otherwise: new Passport ... great thing: it happens on a friday night. So, weekend for the embassy AND monday there is a national holiday, big celebrations .... great expectations!!

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