Freitag, 12. August 2011

Amazon Area - The Pampas

After the fabulous win of Borussia at Bayern Munich I went to the Amazonas Area.

I was a great 3-day trip I booked in La Paz. I went by plane as the bus ride should have taken a horrible 20 hours.

So I flew on a small 19-seat plane to Rurrenabaque (i recognised the size of the plane when I looked for my seat 5A at the beginning. It was quite far in the back.
Airport Rurrenabaque is now the smallest I've been to, sorry Kerry Airport!

I met some nice people in Rurre. I stayed at the hostal Los Tucanes de Rurre where I saw a Jeep with a Munich plate and a Stuttgart based motorbike. They belonged to Claus and Guido who are long-term travellers and came over (sperately) with their vehicles.

The pampas tour with Dolphins Travel. Nice guides and nice company from Zaragossa - Asun and Antonio.

Day 1: 3 hours on a Jeep to Santa Rosa de Yacuma. Lunch being served by Herbert Feuerstein Doppelgänger. Then boat trip for 3 hours and more to the lodge. Loads of animals along Rio Yacuma: Monkeys, Crocodiles, birds, etc.

Day 2: I never slept so close to Crocos. I could hear them in the river. At 9 AM we started for a long 4 hour search for snakes in the Pampas. I saw the first. Unfortunately in the mouth of a huge bird swallowing it some 100m from us. Finally one of the guides found an Anaconda.
Afternnon: Piranha fishing (and later eating them). We were more feeding than fishing them. They don't swallow, they just bite rapidly off the hook.

Day 3: Swimming with Pink River Dolphins. Unfortunately they turned up but weren't in the mood for swimming company. I wouldn't swim anyway. My dog, ahem, sorry, caiman-bite-wound was freshly open and I didn't want to make any contact with dirty water (and the hungry piranhas which were in the river in high numbers).
Afternoon: return to Rurre and later a beer at the Moskkito Bar with Asun, Antonio, Claus and Guido.

Nice Trip!

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