Freitag, 12. August 2011


Today I went on a 64 km mountain bike tour along the Death Road, or Yungas Road, Ruta de la Muerte or just: the World's Most Dangerous Road!
The title was given to it before they opened a new road with the same destinations 5 years ago. Since then it's only or mainly mountain biks going down. The main traffic goes over the mostly asphatlted, more safer, new road. But before that, all traffic went down Yungas Road.
So today it's more TRFKAWMDR, The Road Formerly Known As World's Most Dangerous Road!

But still, you have to be very careful. One false move, a sudden break, going too fast ... you can end up going over the edge! Free falling!

It was a great trip. Great 4-man group, great guide, good bikes, beautiful landscape!


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