Montag, 19. September 2011

back in Santiago

although I should be in Bariloche now.
I need to get a provisional passport from the embassy. Let's see how long it all takes.
Staying at the same hostel as before.

And maybe it is my spanish, but in Puerto Varas it happened again:
I had to go to the Police of investigations, the normal police send me there after I reported my Passport as lost, I wanted to know if it was found there or in Santiago, the 2 places where it could be. In Puerto Varas it was NOT. The rest should be said by the Police of investigations of Chile (or so).
So, I went there, told the woman that I lost my PP or it was stolen and I reported it and if she could see if it was found in Santiago (would actually save me from loads of traveling wrong directions). She after my question: "Did you report it to the Police?- Me: Yes, I am asking you if you could check if it was found. She: Well you need to go to the police. Me: Well they said you may check. She: you need to report it ... Me: yes, all done. I JUST need to know if YOU could check IF it was found in Santiago. She: No. Me. Bye.

Communication seems to be an issue here in Chile.

Anyhow. Back here in S and not liking the fact. I need to refresh my itinery.

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