Samstag, 17. September 2011


Pass a Puerto Where Is?

Normally I do not lose things. But the passport seems to have disappeared. I don't have a clue how. I have looked erverywhere in Puerto Varas and on the Bus. Gone. So, I booked a bus back to Santiago, same hostel again. Then off to the embassy to get a provisional one.
Needless to say that I am quite annoyed about it. Especially because it happened on a Friday with a long weekend ahead. I won't be able to see the embassy before Tuesday. I may have to skip some places I wanted to see, like Bariloche - should have been my next stop, already had the bus ticket. To cancel that and get the money back was another story. So, let's see how long I have to stay in Santiago. Only good thing: I may be able to see the celebrations for their feria! Maybe my wallets gets stoelen then ... I should go naked. ;-)
I guess I will go to Argentina from Santiago and make a longer journey to the Atlantic coast.
So, no Barilo, Che!

Puerto Varas is very nice. Normally I should be running around grumpy but a look at the sea and the snow-capped volcanoes in the back eases it off. Such a beautiful place!

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